Muamir Design & Engineering Consultancy LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Muamir Design & Engineering Consultancy LLC
Seller ID: SA6728541491
Registration Date: 28-10-2017 17:50:27
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Civil Engineering
Established Year: 1980
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Engineering Consultancy
Sub Category: Architectural

Muamir Design & Engineering Consultancy LLC

Muamir is an engineering consultancy firm that offers wide-ranging services based upon the diverse capabilities of its tightly knit network of affiliates & employees. Muamir is now one of Oman's leading engineering consultancies - reflecting a steady record of success, since its foundation in 1980 by the Late Sh. Ali Bin Salim Al-Hasny. This success is based upon a single-minded and no-pains-spared approach to customer satisfaction over the years. Muamir seeks diversified and multi-disciplinary projects to which it brings close cooperation with the customer, innovative concepts and a rigorous eye for details. Tailoring complex projects to customer needs is the hallmark of Muamir's services. Muamir provides a balanced advice based on sound technical and economic studies. Its huge capabilities ensure provision on multi-disciplinary services in all areas, ranging from occasional advice to large integrated projects. Its innovative evaluations usually lead to outstanding results, and its consistency of management ensures excellence.

   Muamir Design & Engineering Consultancy LLC

   P.O.Box 3271, P.C 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24560407,24560408



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